How to return to exercise after having a baby?
Wendy Rumble
Some things will never be the same again. But actually, just to give you hope (definitely NOT trying to be Little Miss Brag-a-lot) I'm in better physical shape than I have ever been as an adult. I weigh a stone less and I'm more toned. (I'm not selling crazy shakes.) The POINT of that was to say please ignore the folks that say you will always be bigger post birth and that you won't be able to fit in exercise into your day.
Sure being tired makes sensible eating and exercising MORE of an effort but it IS possible. My advice (as a mum of 2 kids under 4 and juggling 2 jobs) is find a sensible eating approach that works for you (mine is Joe Wicks, Body Coach recipes) ... And no I don't get royalties!
And fit in a little exercise when you can. A little something every day, be it a mum's buggy class, a run/walk or just some pelvic floor exercises to start with. Try and remember that no matter how tired you are, if you have been up all night feeding, looking after poorly kids etc, exercise WILL make you feel more awake, happier and overall more capable of coping with the rest of your exhausting day!
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